People are changing their business because of the covid, omicron, and quarantine time. These all affect everyone's business, facing losses, etc. In this blog, I suggest you the best business online on even covid time also. It will not strike your business and run your business even simply at home. You can run a business 24x7 in a day. Let’s go to the topic. TOP 5 ONLINE PROFITABLE BUSINESSES IN 2022: Launch an E-commerce business Become a freelancer Social media marketing Offering online courses Create a website or youtube channel LAUNCH A E-COMMERCE BUSINESS: Every year, new trends arise and people also adapt the concepts. We just know the online business revenue statistics. So that you may get some ideas for your startups. Revenue Statistics In Online Business: According to First site guide research, 1.79 billion people bought goods online last year. 88 percent of all online shoppers perform online searches before buying a product. 70 percent of people invest in small businesses...